Ketika Windows XP, 2003, Vista, 2008 atau 7 mengalami masalah, kadang tidak mudah untuk mengatasinya. Baik permasalahan ini timbul akibat virus (malware), konflik aplikasi atau sebab lainnya. Tetapi, ada aplikasi kecil, gratis dan portable yang bisa kita gunakan untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut, yaitu Windows Repair (All ini One).
Sebelumnya saya juga pernah mengulas software portable & gratis dari : Simple Performance Boost, untuk meningkatkan performa (kecepatan) Komputer. Kini kita akan sedikit mengulas software bermanfaat lainnya untuk memperbaiki kerusakan windows, yaitu Windows Repair (All in One). windows repair merupakan software yang didesign untuk mengatasi berbagai permasalahan dalam Windows, baik Windows XP, 2003, Vista, 2008 dan 7. Disediakan 4 langkah penjelasan serta rekomendasi sebelum kita melalukan perbaikan (repair windows). Berikut penjelasan masing-masing langkah yang disediakan :
1. Langkah 1 Disini dijelaskan sebelum melakukan repair windows, harus dipastikan bahwa komputer sudah bebas virus (malware). Karena jika komputer masih terinfeksi virus, proses repair kemungkinan besar tidak akan berhasil, malah bisa lebih buruk. Untuk memastikan komputer bersih, direkomendasikan 3 program :
* Malwarebytes (scanner gratis untuk malware/virus)
* TDDS Rootkit Remover
* Microsoft Security Essentials (Antivirus gratis dari Microsoft)
2. Langkah 2 Langkah Opsional (bisa dilakukan atau tidak, tetapi jika ada masalah dengan permission file sangat disarankan untuk melakukannya), yaitu mengecek File Sistem Windows dari Error. Langkah ini akan melakukan Cek Disk (ChkDsk) dan akan dilakukan setelah komputer restart terlebih dahulu. Klik saja tombol “Do it” di Step 2 jika ingin mengecek disk.
3. Langkah 3 Langkah Opsional (bisa dilakukan atau tidak), yaitu melakukan pengecekan file-file sistem windows akan kemungkinan ada yang rusak, error atau versinya tidak sama. Langkah ini kadang bisa mengetasi berbagai masalah windows.
System File Check akan melakukan scan file-file windows dan membandingkan dengan file asli (original). Untuk Windows XP dan 2003, diperlukan CD Master Windowsnya, sedangkan untuk windows Vista, Windows 7 dan yg lebih baru tidak memerlukan CD/DVD.
4. Langkah 4 Langkah Pilihan (opsional), yaitu System Restore, baik membuat system restore baru (Create) atau membuka sistem yang sudah tersimpan dengan klik “Restore”
5. Start repairs Menu utama untuk melakukan perbaikan windows. Pembahasan lebih lengkap di bagian bawah.
Lebih Details dengan Proses Repairs
Ketika kita sudah memahami atau melakukan langkah yang dirasa penting dari langkah 1 sampai langkah 4, maka langkah terakhir adalah melakukan perbaikan (dari tab Start Repairs). Disini kita diberikan 3 pilihan : Basic Mode, Advanced Mode dan Custom Mode. Ketika di pilih salah satu menu tersebut kemudian di klik tombol “start”, akan muncul window yang menampilkan langkah apa yang akan dilakukan (kita juga bisa memilih atau tidak secara manual).
Berikut penjelasan lebih detail apa yang dilakukan dan dimana diperlukannya :
* Reset Registry Permissions: Mengembalikan masalah perijinan Registry ke keadaan semula. Dilakukan jika terjadi masalah seperti gagal menginstall software, windows update gagal, registry tidak dapat diakses dan lainnya. Proses ini dapat memerlukan waktu yang agak lama, tergantung jumlah registry dan CPU
* Reset File Permissions, langkah ini akan mengembalikan masalah perijinan file dengan memberikan hak akses sepenuhnya di drive C bagi administrator, system dan pengguna yang terdaftar. Dilakukan jika terjadi masalah seperti: tidak bisa menginstall aplikasi, update, program error, services tidak jalan dan lainnya
* Register System Files, akan mendaftarkan (register) berbagai file DLL dan OCX yang ada di folder system32 serta SysWOW64. Ini dilakukan jika ada masalah dalam hal mendaftarkan file-file di folder windows sistem.
* Repair WMI, memperbaiki masalah Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) yang digunakan oleh berbagai aplikasi lain seperti misalnya Windows Firewall dan Windows Action Center
* Repair Windows Firewall, untuk memperbaiki windows firewaall yang bermanfaat untuk mencegah koneksi dari luar ke komputer tanpa sepengetahuan kita
* Repair Internet Explorer, untuk memperbaiki IE yang error jika masih menggunakan browser ini
* Repair MDAC & MS Jet, untuk memperbaiki jika program atau aplikasi database yang memerlukan MDAC dan MS JEt bermasalah.
* Repair Hosts File, memperbaiki hosts file yang kadang di ubah atau di edit oleh virus(malware).
* Remove Policies Set By Infections, mengembalikan berbagai setting ke awal, seperti Task Manager yang tidak bisa dijalankan, tampilan desktop hilang, exe tidak jalan dan lainnya. COcok untuk memperbaiki setelah komputer terinfeksi virus
* Repair Icons, jika tampilan icon tidak benar atau hanya blank atau putih saja, pilih perbaikan ini.
* Repair Winsock & DNS Cache, untuk memperbaiki masalah koneksi atau jaringan yang rusak. Seperti misalnya kita tidak bisa terkoneksi jaringan atau internet padahal sebelumnya tidak ada masalah
* Remove Temp Files, lebih ke arah pembersihan windows dengan menghapus file-file sementara yang tidak dipakai lagi (file temporary), kadang virus juga berada di lokasi ini
* Repair Proxy Settings, Memperbaiki masalah proxy (proxy akan dimatikan), seperti misalnya kita tidak bisa terkoneksi ke website tertentu
* Unhide Non System Files, akan menampilkan file-file windows yang disembunyikan oleh virus/malware yang seharusnya bukan file sistem.
* Repair Windows Update, untuk memperbaiki jika windows update tidak bisa berjalan semestinya
Jika sudah memilih opsi-opsi yang akan dilakukan perbaikan (repair), selanjutnya kita tinggal klik tombol “Start” dan tunggu proses berlangsung.
Download Windows Repair (all in One) ( 595 KB)
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Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Saturday, October 1, 2011
Get your own free virtual credit card to shop online or to verify paypal , ebay , adword etc
Do you want to shop online or pay some one or buy something online but you are worried because
you dont have an internationally accepted credit card? Or do you want to verify your paypal , ebay, alertpay , adword ,
bidvertiser and other accounts using a virtual credit card?
If that’s the case the here is a solution for you to get your own free virtual credit or visa card.
There is an online solution for your problem.
The solution is provided by the website which is operated by Ixaris Systems Ltd.
If you don’t have a Credit card or have a card that is not accepted worldwide then you can have
a free Virtual prepaid visa card or a prepaid plastic master card from entropay to use your Visa
card or master card online or worldwide , You can also use the virtual visa card of entropay to
verify your paypal account.
You can get your own account and a virtual visa card from Entropay ( for free.
You will not be charged any amount to open an account.
But each time you load your free virtual prepaid visa card or master card 4.95% will be charged extra to you.
You can also receive money in your virtual visa or credit card from merchants.
To fund or load your virtual visa and master card you either need a visa/credit/debit card or you can even fund your account by bank transfer if you don’t have any types or credit or debit card you can also return the money you have in your virtual card to your bank account but in that case you will be charged a fee of 6$.
If you choose to get a virtual credit card then you will be provided with the CCV code , expiry date and the number of credit card and also an image of card which looks like the picture below:
or you can also get a plastic mater card posted to you from mail.
You can use your virtual credit or visa card for following purposes:
To buy or shop online.
To verify your paypal , alertpay or ebay account.
To verify your Adword , Bidevrtiser or any other service where you can get free credits or vouchers by verifying your account.
To send and receive money online. etc.
So , hurry up and register a free account for you in entropay to get your own free virtual visa or credit card.
You can visit Entropay.COM now to register an free acount or to know more about entropay.
source :
you dont have an internationally accepted credit card? Or do you want to verify your paypal , ebay, alertpay , adword ,
bidvertiser and other accounts using a virtual credit card?
If that’s the case the here is a solution for you to get your own free virtual credit or visa card.
There is an online solution for your problem.
The solution is provided by the website which is operated by Ixaris Systems Ltd.
If you don’t have a Credit card or have a card that is not accepted worldwide then you can have
a free Virtual prepaid visa card or a prepaid plastic master card from entropay to use your Visa
card or master card online or worldwide , You can also use the virtual visa card of entropay to
verify your paypal account.
You can get your own account and a virtual visa card from Entropay ( for free.
You will not be charged any amount to open an account.
But each time you load your free virtual prepaid visa card or master card 4.95% will be charged extra to you.
You can also receive money in your virtual visa or credit card from merchants.
To fund or load your virtual visa and master card you either need a visa/credit/debit card or you can even fund your account by bank transfer if you don’t have any types or credit or debit card you can also return the money you have in your virtual card to your bank account but in that case you will be charged a fee of 6$.
If you choose to get a virtual credit card then you will be provided with the CCV code , expiry date and the number of credit card and also an image of card which looks like the picture below:
or you can also get a plastic mater card posted to you from mail.
You can use your virtual credit or visa card for following purposes:
To buy or shop online.
To verify your paypal , alertpay or ebay account.
To verify your Adword , Bidevrtiser or any other service where you can get free credits or vouchers by verifying your account.
To send and receive money online. etc.
So , hurry up and register a free account for you in entropay to get your own free virtual visa or credit card.
You can visit Entropay.COM now to register an free acount or to know more about entropay.
source :
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Best Tricks to Extend Laptop Battery Life
20 Best Tricks to Extend Laptop Battery Life
Recently, mobile technology has become increasingly sophisticated with the new components, the better chips, and a faster processors. But there’s one part of Laptop or Netbook which is the “Achilles heel” – the battery. Operating systems, modern graphics, and various other advanced application rapacious spend your laptop battery every day. The average laptop battery life remains in the range of 3 – 4 hours. Of course, this is still a problem for workers who often travel long distance.Most effective way at this time is to bring some spare batteries in your trip. But, beside this there are at least a few tricks that can help you to save laptop batteries a long time.
1. Laptop HD defragmentation – Regular defragmentation can help you manage the data to be more efficient and make the hard drive (HD) a little faster to access the data. When HD works quickly, the more you can spare of laptop battery energy.
2. Turn off High Power Applications – Immediately turn off the background process that is not important. Watch energy use through the Windows Task Manager [Ctrl + Alt + Del]. If you are not using the internet, then your laptop is safe to turn off programs that are not that important to work on the taskbar, such as antivirus and firewall. Run – msconfig – Tab: Startup and remove n the programs that you do not want to launch your laptop and reboot once.
3. Suspend the Scheduled Tasks – This process can be defragmentation or virus scan, but make sure you schedule an activity at the time you are near the power source. If not, delay or combine alternately between them, to find the time and place to fill the battery.
4. Unplug External Tools – Tools that use the USB can spent battery power. After use, do notforget to pull out all the external equipment such as mouse, PC card, Wi-Fi, an external speaker, Bluetooth, and even an iPod or iPhone.
5. Clear Drive CD / DVD – Do not leave a CD / DVD any left in the laptop if it is not used.
6. Use Local Hardware Equipment – Try not to use an external DVD or other equipment
7. Remove lights – LCD laptop screen is also one of a battery waster. Configure light level to the lowest level that you can still see by using the Function or use the Display Settings in Control Panel.
8. Turn off Voters – Turn off the speaker and avoid the use of multimedia software. Sound scheme also spent laptop battery.
9. Do not Use a Screensaver
10. Visit the Power Options – Know energy management / power through the application “Power Options” in Control Panel. Both XP and Vista have this advanced feature to turn off components such as monitors and / or HD after specific intervals. “Max Battery” in the Power schemes can be chosen to maximize battery life time.
11. Use classic style GUI – On Vista, click on the “Desktop – Preferences – Color View – Appearance – Appearance Classic and Basic Windows graphical interface.” On XP, “Display Properties – Theme – Windows Classic”. Linux and Mac have a better system in this case to maintain the battery.
12. Hibernate is Better of Sleep – On the Stand By mode (or Sleep Mode), the computer will shut off and the HD display but the memory remains active while the CPU slowed. This is of course the battery. Meanwhile, hibernate is better because laptop save all of the conditions and the last off the total to save energy.
13. Do not run a lot of programs simultaneously – Working with many programs, of course, require more energy. We recommend using only one or two programs you really need at the same time.
14. Use More RAM – A large capacity RAM can reduce the burden of virtual memory that directly lead to effects on the HD and also lead to spent laptop battery life.
15. Maintain Hygiene of Your Laptop – Laptops with the dirty air ventilation will be greater heat and with that spent battery (ventilator always work). Clean the air vents on a regular basis to maintain the temperature remains the minimum. Leave the area around the ventilation as much as possible open or empty for easy air circulation.
16. Avoid Places with High Temperature – As much as possible avoid direct sunlight or other heat places.
17. Avoid Memory Effect – The battery type Li-Ion does not have this problem. This problem may increase for the battery type Ni-MH. This can be prevented with a charge when the battery is completely empty.
18. Update Software and Drivers – Usually, the drivers and the latest software is designed to work more efficiently than the previous version.
19. Use the Right Adapter – Make sure that you use to adapter for your of the original specification or match. The wrong type can lead to overload and damage the battery and your laptop.
20. Trim Laptops – If you don’t use laptop some time, make sure that the laptop is 40% filled, pull the battery, and store in some dark place.
source :
Recently, mobile technology has become increasingly sophisticated with the new components, the better chips, and a faster processors. But there’s one part of Laptop or Netbook which is the “Achilles heel” – the battery. Operating systems, modern graphics, and various other advanced application rapacious spend your laptop battery every day. The average laptop battery life remains in the range of 3 – 4 hours. Of course, this is still a problem for workers who often travel long distance.Most effective way at this time is to bring some spare batteries in your trip. But, beside this there are at least a few tricks that can help you to save laptop batteries a long time.
1. Laptop HD defragmentation – Regular defragmentation can help you manage the data to be more efficient and make the hard drive (HD) a little faster to access the data. When HD works quickly, the more you can spare of laptop battery energy.
2. Turn off High Power Applications – Immediately turn off the background process that is not important. Watch energy use through the Windows Task Manager [Ctrl + Alt + Del]. If you are not using the internet, then your laptop is safe to turn off programs that are not that important to work on the taskbar, such as antivirus and firewall. Run – msconfig – Tab: Startup and remove n the programs that you do not want to launch your laptop and reboot once.
3. Suspend the Scheduled Tasks – This process can be defragmentation or virus scan, but make sure you schedule an activity at the time you are near the power source. If not, delay or combine alternately between them, to find the time and place to fill the battery.
4. Unplug External Tools – Tools that use the USB can spent battery power. After use, do notforget to pull out all the external equipment such as mouse, PC card, Wi-Fi, an external speaker, Bluetooth, and even an iPod or iPhone.
5. Clear Drive CD / DVD – Do not leave a CD / DVD any left in the laptop if it is not used.
6. Use Local Hardware Equipment – Try not to use an external DVD or other equipment
7. Remove lights – LCD laptop screen is also one of a battery waster. Configure light level to the lowest level that you can still see by using the Function or use the Display Settings in Control Panel.
8. Turn off Voters – Turn off the speaker and avoid the use of multimedia software. Sound scheme also spent laptop battery.
9. Do not Use a Screensaver
10. Visit the Power Options – Know energy management / power through the application “Power Options” in Control Panel. Both XP and Vista have this advanced feature to turn off components such as monitors and / or HD after specific intervals. “Max Battery” in the Power schemes can be chosen to maximize battery life time.
11. Use classic style GUI – On Vista, click on the “Desktop – Preferences – Color View – Appearance – Appearance Classic and Basic Windows graphical interface.” On XP, “Display Properties – Theme – Windows Classic”. Linux and Mac have a better system in this case to maintain the battery.
12. Hibernate is Better of Sleep – On the Stand By mode (or Sleep Mode), the computer will shut off and the HD display but the memory remains active while the CPU slowed. This is of course the battery. Meanwhile, hibernate is better because laptop save all of the conditions and the last off the total to save energy.
13. Do not run a lot of programs simultaneously – Working with many programs, of course, require more energy. We recommend using only one or two programs you really need at the same time.
14. Use More RAM – A large capacity RAM can reduce the burden of virtual memory that directly lead to effects on the HD and also lead to spent laptop battery life.
15. Maintain Hygiene of Your Laptop – Laptops with the dirty air ventilation will be greater heat and with that spent battery (ventilator always work). Clean the air vents on a regular basis to maintain the temperature remains the minimum. Leave the area around the ventilation as much as possible open or empty for easy air circulation.
16. Avoid Places with High Temperature – As much as possible avoid direct sunlight or other heat places.
17. Avoid Memory Effect – The battery type Li-Ion does not have this problem. This problem may increase for the battery type Ni-MH. This can be prevented with a charge when the battery is completely empty.
18. Update Software and Drivers – Usually, the drivers and the latest software is designed to work more efficiently than the previous version.
19. Use the Right Adapter – Make sure that you use to adapter for your of the original specification or match. The wrong type can lead to overload and damage the battery and your laptop.
20. Trim Laptops – If you don’t use laptop some time, make sure that the laptop is 40% filled, pull the battery, and store in some dark place.
source :
How to remove Windows XP Genuine Advantage Notification
1. First – click Start then Run and type “regedit” without quotes and press Enter
2. Go to My Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\Notify. In this location delete the folder “WgaLogon” and all content with name WgaLogon. If there is no WgaLogon folder continue with next steps.
3. Restart your computer. After restart WGA will not be active and you can remove it completely following the next steps:
4. Set your folders options to show hidden and protected Windows files – go to My Computer/Tools/Folder Options and then choose View. From the View tab choose “Show hidden files and folders” and uncheck “Hide protected operating system files” and click OK
5. Now, Go to folder Windows\System32\dllcache, find and delete “WgaTray.exe”. Also, check for “WgaTray.exe” in Windows\System32\, and if you find it delete it, and search for “Wga*.*” with Start-Search-All files and folders and delete everything that starts with “Wga” (Wgatray.exe; Wgalogon.dll, Wgasetup; etc..)
6. Restart your computer again and live happy and free.
source :
2. Go to My Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\Notify. In this location delete the folder “WgaLogon” and all content with name WgaLogon. If there is no WgaLogon folder continue with next steps.
3. Restart your computer. After restart WGA will not be active and you can remove it completely following the next steps:
4. Set your folders options to show hidden and protected Windows files – go to My Computer/Tools/Folder Options and then choose View. From the View tab choose “Show hidden files and folders” and uncheck “Hide protected operating system files” and click OK
5. Now, Go to folder Windows\System32\dllcache, find and delete “WgaTray.exe”. Also, check for “WgaTray.exe” in Windows\System32\, and if you find it delete it, and search for “Wga*.*” with Start-Search-All files and folders and delete everything that starts with “Wga” (Wgatray.exe; Wgalogon.dll, Wgasetup; etc..)
6. Restart your computer again and live happy and free.
source :
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