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Friday, July 20, 2012
How to check Windows for 32-bit OS or 64-bit OS
You can find out whether your system is installed with a 32-bit or 64-bit (Microsoft labels them as x86 or x64) based operating system, which requires specifically built software application.
For computer or PC that has been installed long time ago and user forgets about its version, or has changed owner several times, and user no longer sure whether he or she is running a 32-bit or 64-bit (x32 or x64) version of Windows operating system, use following methods to determine and find out which version actually it’s.
1. Windows Vista
* Method 1
a. Click Start, then click on Run or Start Search.
b. Type msinfo32.exe and then press Enter key.
c. In “System Information”, review the value for the System Type item:
- For 32-bit editions of Windows, the value of the System Type item is x86-based PC.
- For 64-bit editions of Windows, the value of the System Type item is x64-based PC.
* Method 2
a. Click Start, type system in the “Start Search” box, and then click system in the “Programs” list.
b. The operating system appears as follows:
- For a 64-bit version operating system: 64-bit Operating System appears for the “System type” under “System”.
- For a 32-bit version operating system: 32-bit Operating System appears for the “System type” under “System”.
* Method 3
a. Click Start, type system in the “Start Search” box, and then click System Information in the “Programs” list.
b. The operating system appears as follows:
- For a 64-bit version operating system: x64-based PC appears for the “System type” under “Item”.
- For a 32-bit version operating system: x86-based PC appears for the “System type” under “Item”.
2. Microsoft Windows XP Professional
* Method 1
a. Click Start, then click on Run or Start Search.
b. Type msinfo32.exe and then press Enter key.
c. In “System Information”, review the value for the System Type item:
- For 32-bit editions of Windows, the value of the System Type item is x86-based PC.
- For 64-bit editions of Windows, the value of the System Type item is x64-based PC.
* Method 2
a. Click Start, click Run, type sysdm.cpl, and then click OK.
b. Click the General tab. The operating system appears as follows:
- For a 64-bit version operating system: Microsoft Windows XP Professional x64 Edition Version appears under System.
- For a 32-bit version operating system: Microsoft Windows XP Professional Version appears under System.
Note is a placeholder for a year.
* Method 3
a. Click Start, click Run, type winmsd.exe, and then click OK.
b. In the details pane, locate Processor under Item. Note the value.
- If the value that corresponds to Processor starts with x86, the computer is running a 32-bit version of the Windows operating system.
- If the value that corresponds to Processor starts with ia64 or AMD64, the computer is running a 64-bit version of the Windows operating system.
3. Microsoft Windows Server 2003
* Method 1
a. Click Start, click Run, type sysdm.cpl, and then click OK.
b. Click the General tab. The operating system appears as follows:
- For a 64-bit version operating system: Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Enterprise x64 Edition appears under System.
- For a 32-bit version operating system: Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition appears under System.
* Method 2
a. Click Start, click Run, type winmsd.exe, and then click OK.
b. In the details pane, locate Processor under Item. Note the value.
- If the value that corresponds to Processor starts with x86, the computer is running a 32-bit version of the Windows operating system.
- If the value that corresponds to Processor starts with EM64T or ia64, the computer is running a 64-bit version of the Windows operating system.
For computer or PC that has been installed long time ago and user forgets about its version, or has changed owner several times, and user no longer sure whether he or she is running a 32-bit or 64-bit (x32 or x64) version of Windows operating system, use following methods to determine and find out which version actually it’s.
1. Windows Vista
* Method 1
a. Click Start, then click on Run or Start Search.
b. Type msinfo32.exe and then press Enter key.
c. In “System Information”, review the value for the System Type item:
- For 32-bit editions of Windows, the value of the System Type item is x86-based PC.
- For 64-bit editions of Windows, the value of the System Type item is x64-based PC.
* Method 2
a. Click Start, type system in the “Start Search” box, and then click system in the “Programs” list.
b. The operating system appears as follows:
- For a 64-bit version operating system: 64-bit Operating System appears for the “System type” under “System”.
- For a 32-bit version operating system: 32-bit Operating System appears for the “System type” under “System”.
* Method 3
a. Click Start, type system in the “Start Search” box, and then click System Information in the “Programs” list.
b. The operating system appears as follows:
- For a 64-bit version operating system: x64-based PC appears for the “System type” under “Item”.
- For a 32-bit version operating system: x86-based PC appears for the “System type” under “Item”.
2. Microsoft Windows XP Professional
* Method 1
a. Click Start, then click on Run or Start Search.
b. Type msinfo32.exe and then press Enter key.
c. In “System Information”, review the value for the System Type item:
- For 32-bit editions of Windows, the value of the System Type item is x86-based PC.
- For 64-bit editions of Windows, the value of the System Type item is x64-based PC.
* Method 2
a. Click Start, click Run, type sysdm.cpl, and then click OK.
b. Click the General tab. The operating system appears as follows:
- For a 64-bit version operating system: Microsoft Windows XP Professional x64 Edition Version
- For a 32-bit version operating system: Microsoft Windows XP Professional Version
* Method 3
a. Click Start, click Run, type winmsd.exe, and then click OK.
b. In the details pane, locate Processor under Item. Note the value.
- If the value that corresponds to Processor starts with x86, the computer is running a 32-bit version of the Windows operating system.
- If the value that corresponds to Processor starts with ia64 or AMD64, the computer is running a 64-bit version of the Windows operating system.
3. Microsoft Windows Server 2003
* Method 1
a. Click Start, click Run, type sysdm.cpl, and then click OK.
b. Click the General tab. The operating system appears as follows:
- For a 64-bit version operating system: Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Enterprise x64 Edition appears under System.
- For a 32-bit version operating system: Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition appears under System.
* Method 2
a. Click Start, click Run, type winmsd.exe, and then click OK.
b. In the details pane, locate Processor under Item. Note the value.
- If the value that corresponds to Processor starts with x86, the computer is running a 32-bit version of the Windows operating system.
- If the value that corresponds to Processor starts with EM64T or ia64, the computer is running a 64-bit version of the Windows operating system.
How to enable Private Browsing in Chrome, Firefox, IE and Safari
If Firefox and Internet Explorer 7 have functions effective to purge all traces of your activities on the Net, neither browsers proposed mode for the duration of a session to browse without leaving traces.
Google Chrome and Safari have such a private browsing mode that records no information about your browsing: the history of pages visited, form data, the list of files downloaded ... are not recorded on your hard drive.
Thanks to free extensions, you can have a similar system of private browsing in Firefox 3 and Internet Explorer 7. Now learn how to exploit this incognito in Google Chrome, Firefox, IE 7 and Safari.
1. Google Chrome:
Chrome, Google web browser has a private browsing mode to remain incognito on the internet. Here is how to add private browsing in Chrome:
Launch Google Chrome.
- Click Customize and control Google Chrome.
- In the menu that appears, click the Order New incognito window.
- A new window is open in incognito. Web pages visited in this window are not recorded in the history of navigation.
- When you close the incognito window, all new cookies are deleted.
- Note that you can both browse normally and in incognito mode, using two separate windows.
2. Mozilla Firefox
With the Firefox Distrust extension you can easily add an option for private browsing to Firefox:
- Run Firefox. Click on the Tools menu and then click Add-ons.
- In the search area of the Catalog tab, enter Distrust then click the magnifying glass.
- Then click the Add button to Firefox.
- Click the Install Now button.
- Click Restart Firefox to finish installing the extension. Finally close the window ons.
- When you want to start a private browsing session, go to the Tools menu and select Start Distrust Session.
- You can also click on the icon representing an eye on the bottom right of the window.
- A green cross on the eye tells you that Firefox will not record any trace of browsing.
- To exit the private browsing mode and return to normal mode, go to the Tools menu and select End Session Distrust or click again on the icon of an eye.
3. Internet Explore
There is a very easy way to enable private browsing in Internet Explorer.
- Right click on the shortcut and click on properites.
- In the target box there is the full location of application.
- In the end just type -private and launch the browser.
- Internet Explorer will by default run in private mode.
- Or else for security you can use any proxy server on the web for annoymous surfing. There are number of free proxis.
4. Safari
Like Google Chrome, Safari, Apple's browser has a default function incognito. This function preserves the time of a session, the privacy of your online activities. There is then stored: no cookies, no historic sites and downloads, no forms of information or research.
- Launch Safari.
- Click the Home menu and then click Private Browsing.
- Click the OK button.
- The history of sites visited, cookies, form data, files cached, etc.. are not stored on your hard drive.
- Now you can surf in Private mode on your Safari browser.
But there is something you need to know more. The private browsing feature in Safari when enable still keeps the web track. Those are hidden are not visible directly. I show you the way to remove them completely. For that you will need to run certain commands from Mac Terminal. Go in Terminal and type - dscacheutil -cachedump -entries Host. In that you can see the sites which are still recorded. Then run - dscacheutil -flushcache and done. Your system cache is cleared up.
Google Chrome and Safari have such a private browsing mode that records no information about your browsing: the history of pages visited, form data, the list of files downloaded ... are not recorded on your hard drive.
Thanks to free extensions, you can have a similar system of private browsing in Firefox 3 and Internet Explorer 7. Now learn how to exploit this incognito in Google Chrome, Firefox, IE 7 and Safari.
1. Google Chrome:
Chrome, Google web browser has a private browsing mode to remain incognito on the internet. Here is how to add private browsing in Chrome:
Launch Google Chrome.
- Click Customize and control Google Chrome.
- In the menu that appears, click the Order New incognito window.
- A new window is open in incognito. Web pages visited in this window are not recorded in the history of navigation.
- When you close the incognito window, all new cookies are deleted.
- Note that you can both browse normally and in incognito mode, using two separate windows.
2. Mozilla Firefox
With the Firefox Distrust extension you can easily add an option for private browsing to Firefox:
- Run Firefox. Click on the Tools menu and then click Add-ons.
- In the search area of the Catalog tab, enter Distrust then click the magnifying glass.
- Then click the Add button to Firefox.
- Click the Install Now button.
- Click Restart Firefox to finish installing the extension. Finally close the window ons.
- When you want to start a private browsing session, go to the Tools menu and select Start Distrust Session.
- You can also click on the icon representing an eye on the bottom right of the window.
- A green cross on the eye tells you that Firefox will not record any trace of browsing.
- To exit the private browsing mode and return to normal mode, go to the Tools menu and select End Session Distrust or click again on the icon of an eye.
3. Internet Explore
There is a very easy way to enable private browsing in Internet Explorer.
- Right click on the shortcut and click on properites.
- In the target box there is the full location of application.
- In the end just type -private and launch the browser.
- Internet Explorer will by default run in private mode.
- Or else for security you can use any proxy server on the web for annoymous surfing. There are number of free proxis.
4. Safari
Like Google Chrome, Safari, Apple's browser has a default function incognito. This function preserves the time of a session, the privacy of your online activities. There is then stored: no cookies, no historic sites and downloads, no forms of information or research.
- Launch Safari.
- Click the Home menu and then click Private Browsing.
- Click the OK button.
- The history of sites visited, cookies, form data, files cached, etc.. are not stored on your hard drive.
- Now you can surf in Private mode on your Safari browser.
But there is something you need to know more. The private browsing feature in Safari when enable still keeps the web track. Those are hidden are not visible directly. I show you the way to remove them completely. For that you will need to run certain commands from Mac Terminal. Go in Terminal and type - dscacheutil -cachedump -entries Host. In that you can see the sites which are still recorded. Then run - dscacheutil -flushcache and done. Your system cache is cleared up.
How to Access 'Page not found' or Deleted pages
While browsing on the web many times we come across any web page that has been deleted or the site host use to be unavailable. In such cases you get an error saying "Page Not Found". But if that page is very useful for you and you want to read it anyhow, there are different ways to access such pages.
First, search engines like Bing or Google use robots which roam the Internet and record the pages visited in what is called a cache. By accessing the cache of search engines, so it is possible to find a web page or an article to view it disappeared. The page will be as it was at the time of robots.
WayBackMachine service works much the same way except that it keeps a history of passage of his robots. The opportunity to go back in time and see how a webpage was several years ago. This can also be a way to find a web page or site disappeared.
Finally, if a site is unavailable because it is overloaded, nothing like the Coral CDN free service that lets you streamline and pool requests to the server that contains the page you want to reach.
1. Using Google Cache:
When the robots of Google search engine roam on Internet, they record the pages visited. By browsing the Google cache, it is possible to find a web page or an article to view it disappeared. The page will be as it was at the time of robots of Google.
- Go to Google (or click in the Google search box on your web browser)
- In the search box, type the page address or find the title of the article and the name of the site on which it stands. Validate
- Google presents the results of research. Mouse over the double arrow that appears next to the page you want when you mouse over it.
- On the right side of the window, a preview of the page is displayed. Click the button to open the cached version recorded by Google.
- The saved page is displayed by Google. Note that the images on the page may be missing because the robots will only save the text.
2. Using Bing Cache:
Same as Google, the Bing robots also record the pages visited when browsing the Internet. If you can not find a page in the Google cache, it is perhaps that of Bing in which robots do not go to the same frequency.
- Visit Bing (or click in the search box Bing your web browser).
-In the search box, type the page address or find the title of the article and the name of the site on which it stands. Validate
- Bing presents the research results. Mouse over the arrow that appears next to the page you want when you mouse over it.
- Click on the link to open page cached version recorded by Bing.
- Recorded by Bing page is displayed. Note that the images on the page may be missing because the robots will only save the text.
3. Using WayBackMachine service:
WayBackMachine is a free service that lets you go back in time and see how a web page was in the past. This can also be a way to find a web page or site disappeared.
- In your Web browser, go to the
- In the section WayBackMachine, enter the address of the page to find. Click the Take Me Back
- The list of shots is displayed in a calendar. Click on a date the page was.
- Page is displayed, as it was at the chosen date.
First, search engines like Bing or Google use robots which roam the Internet and record the pages visited in what is called a cache. By accessing the cache of search engines, so it is possible to find a web page or an article to view it disappeared. The page will be as it was at the time of robots.
WayBackMachine service works much the same way except that it keeps a history of passage of his robots. The opportunity to go back in time and see how a webpage was several years ago. This can also be a way to find a web page or site disappeared.
Finally, if a site is unavailable because it is overloaded, nothing like the Coral CDN free service that lets you streamline and pool requests to the server that contains the page you want to reach.
1. Using Google Cache:
When the robots of Google search engine roam on Internet, they record the pages visited. By browsing the Google cache, it is possible to find a web page or an article to view it disappeared. The page will be as it was at the time of robots of Google.
- Go to Google (or click in the Google search box on your web browser)
- In the search box, type the page address or find the title of the article and the name of the site on which it stands. Validate
- Google presents the results of research. Mouse over the double arrow that appears next to the page you want when you mouse over it.
- On the right side of the window, a preview of the page is displayed. Click the button to open the cached version recorded by Google.
- The saved page is displayed by Google. Note that the images on the page may be missing because the robots will only save the text.
2. Using Bing Cache:
Same as Google, the Bing robots also record the pages visited when browsing the Internet. If you can not find a page in the Google cache, it is perhaps that of Bing in which robots do not go to the same frequency.
- Visit Bing (or click in the search box Bing your web browser).
-In the search box, type the page address or find the title of the article and the name of the site on which it stands. Validate
- Bing presents the research results. Mouse over the arrow that appears next to the page you want when you mouse over it.
- Click on the link to open page cached version recorded by Bing.
- Recorded by Bing page is displayed. Note that the images on the page may be missing because the robots will only save the text.
3. Using WayBackMachine service:
WayBackMachine is a free service that lets you go back in time and see how a web page was in the past. This can also be a way to find a web page or site disappeared.
- In your Web browser, go to the address
- In the section WayBackMachine, enter the address of the page to find. Click the Take Me Back
- The list of shots is displayed in a calendar. Click on a date the page was.
- Page is displayed, as it was at the chosen date.
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If you are from North America you have to face prompt of Paypal that ask you for your SSN (Social Security Number). This is very Easy metho...